Health Services

Fischer, B., & Casswell, S. (2019). The New Zealand Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry’s recommendations on substance use: Some reflections from the science perspective [Viewpoint]. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1497), 65-70.

Tipa, Z., Wilson, D., Neville, S., & Adams, J. (2015). Cultural responsiveness and the family partnership model. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 31(2), 35-49 [Abstract]. A373

Wilkinson, J., Carryer, J., & Adams, J. (2013). Evaluation of a diabetes nurse specialist prescribing project. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23, 2355–2366 [Abstract]. A332

Dickinson, P., & Asiasiga, L. (2011). Helping Children Hear: Teachers’ Experiences of Using Soundfield Amplification Systems. New Zealand Journal of Teachers' Work, 8(2), 189-207. A292

Penney, L., Moewaka Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2011). The Blame Game: Constructions of Maori medical compliance. AlterNative: an international journal of indigenous scholarship, 7(2), 73-86. A298

Hill, S., Safarti, D., Blakely, T., Robson, B., Purdie, G., Chen, J., Dennet, E., Cormack, D., Cunningham, R., McCreanor, T., & Kawachi, I. (2010). Survival disparities in Indigenous and non-Indigenous New Zealanders with colon cancer: the role of patient comorbidity, treatment and health service factors. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 64, 117-123. A252

Kerr, S., Penney, L., Moewaka Barnes, M., & McCreanor, T. (2010). Kaupapa Maori Action Research to improve heart disease services in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Ethnicity and Health, 15(1), 15-31. A249

Arlidge, B., Abel, S., Asiasiga, L., Milne, S., Crengle, S., & Ameratunga, S. (2008). Experiences of whanau/families when injured children are admitted to hospital: a multi-ethnic qualitative study form Aotearoa/New Zealand. Ethnicity and Health, 13, iFirst article. A219

Coupe, N., & Hatcher, S. (2007). Whakamomori: Maori deliberate self-harm presentations to three Auckland public hospitals. Pukenga Korero, 8, 5-9. A212

Moewaka Barnes, H., & Tunks, M. (1996). Maori me te ikura roro: Maori and stroke. In J. Baskett (Ed.), Life After Stroke: New Zealand Guidelines for Best Practice in Rehabilitation After Stroke. Wellington: Stroke Foundation New Zealand Inc. B23